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Pre-congress workshops

Some workshops slots still available and participants will be able to purchase the ticket onsite at the workshop registration Sunday July 21 at 8:00 AM .


Becoming Antifragile by Creating S.P.A.C.E

Format: Half-day
Convenor: Lobna Cherif, Canada
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 12:00
Price: 1500,- CZK


In the academic literature, resilience is typically defined as the ability to successfully bounce back from adversity, and to successfully adapt to the obstacles or difficult situations that life continuously presents. However, beyond resilience, is the concept of antifragility. According to Taleb (2012), “The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.” Antifragility is about bouncing back better and stronger than before the experience of adversity. It is about thriving and growing when exposed to stressors, volatility, and uncertainty. We propose one tool for promoting antifragility: the ability to create S.P.A.C.E, a five-step strategy that combines approaches from both the science of character strengths and mindfulness practice which are inextricably linked with resilience and human flourishing. It is meant to prompt individuals to interrupt negative thought and emotional responses and instead leverage mindfulness practices and character strengths use.

Team Coaching: Developing a Critical Capability

Format: Half-day
Convenor: Pauline Diane Willis, Australia & Oliver Alfred Guidetti, USA
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 12:00
Price: 1500,- CZK


Team coaching is a critical capability for everyone who works in a team. This workshop will introduce you to two frameworks developed by organisational psychologists for use in all team contexts. The first is a competency-based framework developed by Pauline Willis that highlights which areas of capability are crucial to the roles of team leader and team member. We will also highlight how these capabilities can be developed through peer consultation and supervision without the need for specific qualifications outside of the ones you already have. The second framework is focused on team design and effectiveness, enabling leaders and team members to reflect on how well their teams are designed and what areas of change are likely to be priorities for improvement. Both frameworks can assist participants with assessing need and performing assessment and evaluation as part of a self-development process, or one that is supported by a peer or professional supervisor.

This workshop has both presentational elements to impart knowledge as well as interaction where participants can learn how well existing capabilities and approaches are aligned with the latest research and practice from the psychology of team coaching.

Four elements of team cooperation: fostering team emotional intelligence and team mindfulness

Format: Half-day
Convenor: Eva Höschlová & Radvan Bahbouh. Czech Republic
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 12:00
Price: 1500,- CZK


Although there is a lot of robust research on team collaboration and team intelligence, relatively few tools and techniques have been proven to improve team collaboration reliably. As key predictors of team performance, team emotional intelligence and team mindfulness remain potential psychological attributes that are worth focusing on. Both are intertwined with teamwork effectiveness and can be developed relatively easily.

To enhance the development of team emotional intelligence, we can explore the psychological diversity of teams, which means the diversity of team members’ personality profiles. Usually, conflicts in groups are not personal conflicts but conflicts of the diversity of attitudes, ways of perceiving the world, motives, or temperamental dispositions. Reflecting on personality profiles at the team level helps to develop team emotional intelligence and team mindfulness. The workshop will show how such team profiles can be visualized to complexly see team diversity, not just the average scores of the individual attributes measured. We will also explore ways in which a team can work with the displayed team profile and what techniques a facilitator can use to stimulate the development of emotional intelligence.

Last but not least, we will look at the topic of team mindfulness and in particular how it can be measured and developed. We will demonstrate techniques for using mindfulness to resolve and prevent conflict in teams.

Key takeaways from this workshop:

  • To understand how to measure psychological diversity in a team and its possible effects on communication and team cooperation.
  • To explore the ways of visualizing psychological diversity in a team and experience the differences in their understanding.
  • To learn about methods of developing team emotional intelligence to increase general team intelligence.
  • Discover team mindfulness, its measurement, and its impact on the team conflict prevention and resolution.

CANCELED: Building resilient communities, social justice and participation to engage in climate change

Format: Half-day
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 12:00
Price: 1500,- CZK
Chair: Serdar Degirmencioglu, Turkey
Discussant: Wolfgang Stark, Germany
Introductions: Minou Mabena, Italy ; Katriina Hyvonen, Finland


Climate goals can only be achieved if communities are strengthened, to raise awareness and foster engagement in ways to address climate change at all levels. In this workshop we will illustrate problems related to environmental/climate injustice and focus on how community psychologists can fight climate change. The workshop will demonstrate ways community psychologist can collaborate with climate scientists to organize and enact climate crisis awareness-enhancing workshops, and play a role in supporting community engagement, community driven climate change projects, dialogues and collaboration with different stakeholders.

Community psychologists can foster solidarity with those affeced by climate injustice, to reduce the gap between scholars and climate movements. What are the different roles scientific evidence and lived experience play in climate action? How can we use engaged methodologies such as participatory, decolonising, and indigenous approaches in pursuing climate justice? 

This workshop will describe how Participative Research can build social justice and community in the struggle against climate change, addressing questions like; How does social injustice affect the possibility to participate in the climate struggle? What are the links between war, conflict, migration and climate change? How can group experiences and emotions influence climate change attitudes and behaviors.


To demonstrate an interactive approach aiming to increase climate change citizen engagement and global sense of community. To present studies on participation research not only from individual and group levels, but also in the context of organizations like schools, Ngo’s and communities.


The workshop will introduce research and practice from group(Finland) and organizational (Italy) levels of climate engagement. It will include exercises focused on emotions evoked by climate change, using group discussions(participative) and movie scripts (creative). The workshop activities will be summarised at the closing session.

Finding The Way OutA (Habit-forming) Polarization Detox Challenge

Format: Half-day
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 12:00
Price: 1500,- CZK
Chair: Peter T. Coleman

Today, citizens in democracies across the globe have become our own worst enemies – tribes turning on one another and weaponizing every major disaster for political gain. Little seems to unify us. Not the epidemics of opioid addiction, loneliness, joblessness, or hate crimes that are decimating entire communities. Not the viral enemy of COVID 19 that killed millions. Not even the alarming spike in catastrophic weather events or the Gilded-Age levels of runaway inequality that threatens the lives of our most vulnerable citizens. The high-stakes, unchecked, ends-justify-the-means power grab that is Western democratic politics today has rendered the astonishing suffering wrought by these disasters utterly meaningless. All while many of our political leaders, media giants and social media barons leverage our hate for their own gain. Today, we are at war with ourselves.

The only bulwark remaining against these runaway trends is the exhausted middle majority. That is, the 70-90% of more moderate citizens that are fed up with our state of hate and political dysfunction and are seeking an alternative way forward. We are the members of the hidden tribes that extremists seek to tip into a war-like fervor. And so, this proposed workshop. I am proposing that we invite the 2024 ICP conference attendees to engage with the Finding The Way Out Political Courage Challenge (a social impact campaign).

A bit of background. In 2021, I published a book, The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization, which leverages evidence-based science to help address a run-away, first-order problem in America – 60 years of increasingly toxic political polarization. Given the urgency of the problem, we recently developed a “Challenge” experience (read the origin story of the Challenge here). It is not a workshop or training or a TED talk or an encounter session, which are all worthwhile interventions but are episodic and so unlikely to move the needle on the culturally-embedded problem we are facing. 

The Challenge is a multi-week immersive experience which invites participants to try out a series of different short activities daily (from 5 minutes on up), based on the scientific principles offered in the book, to start to shape new habits and norms for political tolerance and courageous compassion (see attached deck for an overview). It is offered in four phases: focusing first on addressing our own divisive tendencies and habits, next on reintroducing honesty and tolerance within our own political ingroups (family, friend group, etc.), third on addressing tensions in our current politically-estranged cross-partisan relationships (neighbors, former friends?), and finally on mobilizing in cross-partisan groups to take on shared community or national concerns – like challenging the many “conflict entrepreneurs” in politics, big tech and the media steadfastly benefitting from a divide and conquer strategy for gaining influence. The Challenge asks for a few minutes a day over a month, which is about the length of time it takes to begin to develop new habits and norms.


Rapid Prototyping of Generative AI Applications for Psychology

Format: Half-day
Convenor: Colin Kemp
Date: Sunday July 21, 13:00 – 16:00
Price: 1500,- CZK


This workshop demonstrates how to rapidly develop a generative AI application, from initial concept through working prototype, using the Python programming language and open-source frameworks. The ability to develop generative AI applications in this manner confers tremendous power and flexibility; for example, while it’s simple to interact with ChatGPT and similar services through their web interfaces, a more complex or nuanced application can be extremely cumbersome—or even impossible—to implement in this manner. More generally, developing generative AI applications using Python offers enhanced control, customization, offline functionality, data security, scalability, and integration across applications, among other benefits. The current workshop will provide 1) an introduction to generative AI and large language models; 2) demonstration of an existing generative AI application used for military personnel outlook research; and 3) live development, that proceeds from a back-of-the-envelope concept through a fully functioning protype, of a generative AI application.


Format: Half-day
Convenor: Ivan Nyklíček, Netherlands
Date: Sunday July 21, 13:00 – 16:00
Price: 1500,- CZK


Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) have shown a wide range of beneficial effects on various psychological symptoms. Its popularity is also the result of the transdiagnostic processes involved in mindfulness, defined as paying attention to the experience of the present moment in an open and accepting way. In the current workshop we will (i) delineate the theoretical foundations of mindfulness and (ii) perform various mindfulness exercises together, as well as (iii) discuss some potential limitations of the approach.

Ivan Nyklíček obtained his PhD in Psychology in 1997 at Tilburg University, Netherlands. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at Tilburg University and is mainly involved in research on correlates, effects, mechanisms, and moderators of mindfulness based interventions. Besides his academic work, since 2005, he is also mindfulness trainer in Tilburg.

Integrating ‘Stories’ and ‘Scores’ to Facilitate Counselling for Career Construction to Individuals and Groups of People

Format: Half-day
Convenor: Kobus Maree, South Africa
Date: Sunday July 21, 13:00 – 16:00
Price: 1500,- CZK


The workshop aims to show participants how contemporary career counselling can be administered to individuals and in groups to help them confront some of the main challenges posed by Work 4.0 on the workplace and on people’s personal life stories. Participants will discover practically how the traditional career counselling approach compares to the narrative approach. They will be introduced to and complete a novel, storied career counselling questionnaire (the Career Interest Profile (CIP)) online. The CIP was developed from the (self-)developmental, storied (psychodynamic), differential, and ‘trauma theory’ perspectives to elicit people’s multiple micro-life stories, uncover their central life themes, promote clarification of their career-life identity, and enhance their self-exploration. Moreover, they will learn how to elict advice from within regarding how to convert issues and concerns into themes of hope that can advance their individual life projects and (re-kindle) their sense of hope and meaning.

3-6 learning outcomes

  1. Understanding the need to implement integrative, QUALITATIVE-quantitative career counselling.
  2. Being able to integrate ‘stories’ and ‘scores’ in career counselling to individuals and in groups.
  3. Being able to help people clarify their career-life identity.
  4. Being able to help people (re-)discover a sense of self-respect, purpose, hope, and meaning.
  5. Being able to help people connect conscious knowledge about themselves with their subconscious insights.

3 Indexing Keywords

1.         Counselling for career construction for individuals and groups of people.

2.         Integrating ‘stories’ and ‘scores’ in career counselling.

3.         Connecting conscious knowledge with subconscious insights.


CANCELED: HUCAMA FACTORS Personality, Ability & Competency Assessment Accreditation Workshop

Format: Full-day
Convenor: Rainer Kurz & Michele Guarini
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 16:00
Price: 2500,- CZK


This workshop is aimed at experienced psychometric test users. Pre-course completion of tools is required (approximately 2h) and some post-course work if a delegate is not already certified at EFPA level 2 or BPS Occupational Test User (Ability & Personality) standard.

  • Participants who attend the workshop obtain HUCAMA FACTORS Practitioner Accreditation.
  • Participants will learn about personality, ability, and competency assessments, their interplay, and their application in occupational, counselling, and general psychology.
  • The workshop explores the impact of normative and ipsatised measurement as well as extreme tiebreakers on interpretation.
  • Participants learn about contemporary thinking with regards to construct hierarchies and the nature of related constructs such as emotional intelligence and learning agility.
  • Participants will experience cutting-edge dynamic reporting of individual and group results

HUCAMA FACTORS is a comprehensive suite of personality, ability, and competency assessments with versions for general, professional, and executive roles. Interactive demonstrations and case studies will familiarise delegates with the tools.

Ability Factors is a non-verbal reasoning measure covering Diagrammatic Matrices, Number Series and Spatial Reasoning. The total time limit for the completion of the separately timed sections is 24 minutes, or 12 minutes in screening or follow-up use. A verbal component is also available.

Personality and Competency Factors revolve around an aligned Success Factors model that integrates Cybernetic Personality Theory (DeYoung, 2015) and the Great 8 Competencies (Kurz & Bartram, 2002). Following a development study involving 466 professionals and managers the draft model was unveiled at The Psychometric Forum in November 2020.

The tools measure 8 factors through 48 facets as aligned predictor and criterion measures respectively. They features a dynamic Extreme Tie Breaker approach that applies ipsatised scoring techniques (Bartram, 1996) and builds on Kurz (2019). The observed total score validity with reviewer ratings was .50 (N=113).  

Completion of the 80 (PF16), 160 (PF32) and 240 (PF48) statements takes about 10, 20 and 30 minutes respectively, and for the 48 statements in HUCAMA Competency Factors about 6 minutes.

Session 1: Introduction

History of the Big 5 personality factors (Digman, 1990) and the Great 8 Competencies (Kurz & Bartram, 2002) including associated validation studies (Robertson & Kinder, 1993; Kurz, 1993; Bartram, 2005).

Development of HUCAMA FACTORS model with reference to research on leadership (Judge et al, 2002 & 2004), values (Schwartz, 1992), potential (Silzer & Church, 2009) and Cybernetic Big 5 Theory (DeYoung, 2015).

Ability Factors use, interpretation and feedback.

Session 2: HUCAMA Personality Factors Expert Report

Interactive walkthrough of case study report covering 48 Facets under 8 Factors. Norm, reliability, and validity overview.

Exploration of in-depth reporting features that are unique to HUCAMA FACTORS. 

Session 3: HUCAMA Competency Factors and Personality Factors Competency Prediction Reports

Interactive walkthrough of case study report covering 48 Competencies under 8 Factors. Development and validation.

Job Factors, competency sets, and applications (screening, selection, development, coaching). 

Session 4: HUCAMA Factors Leadership & Group Reports

Primary Colours of Leadership and Team Role case studies that illustrate People Analytics.

CANCELED: Psychology: Its contribution to Addressing Problems of Addictionand Substance use

Format: Full-day
Convenor: Philip Murphy, United Kingdom
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 16:00
Price: 2500,- CZK


Areas for exploration

Psychology and issues in the development of substance use problems: the battle to combine competing perspectives

Psychology and our understanding of issues arising from substance use problems: how should psychology inform responses to these issues?

Psychological and psychosocial issues in substance use interventions.


The three areas above will be addressed, in turn, by a preliminary talk from the workshop convenor. After each preliminary talk there would be breakout groups which would explore the issues raised and report back to the whole group in plenary sessions.

Provisional Programme


Welcome and introduction by workshop convenor  

Overall objectives: areas for exploration

Identification of personal objectives by attendees and brief open discussion of these.


Talk 1: Substance use: the battle to combine competing perspectives

  • Neurobiological effects.
  • Genetic predispositions: individual differences in metabolism.
  • Influences from the familial and broader social environment: initiation and perpetuation.

09h45             Breakout groups Session 1

Possible questions and issues to be addressed

  • Which issues from Talk 1 am I fairly well aware of (in my work), and which am I less aware of?
  • Are there issues raised in Talk 1 which I would like to be able to address better (in my work)?
  • What new areas of research and intervention (relevant to your work) arise from the content of Talk 1?

10h15 Whole-group plenary, including consideration of progress towards delegates personal objectives for the workshop.

10h30 Break


Talk 2: Psychology and our understanding of issues arising from substance use problems in the lives of individuals: How should we inform responses to these issues?

  • Functional consequences of substance use – impaired cognitive functioning, impaired mood regulation 
  • Experiences of dependence and addiction – psychological distress, behavioural and family issues 

11h15             Breakout groups Session 2

Possible questions and issues to be addressed

  • Which issues from Talk 2 am I fairly well aware of (in my work), and which am I less aware of?
  • Are there issues raised in Talk 2 which I would like to be able to address better (in my work)?
  • What new areas of research and intervention (relevant to your work) arise from the content of Talk 2?

11h45 Whole-group plenary, including consideration of progress towards delegates personal objectives for the workshop.

12h00 – 13h00 Break


Talk 3: Psychological and psychosocial issues in substance use interventions

  • Craving and withdrawal issues: where and how can psychosocial support be helpful?
  • The role of self-efficacy beliefs and readiness to be substance-free?
  • Substance-free in the long-term: what do we actually know?

13h30             Breakout groups Session 3

Possible questions and issues to be addressed

  • Which issues from Talk 3 am I fairly well aware of (in my work), and which am I less aware of?
  • Are there issues raised in Talk 3 which I would like to be able to address better (in my work)?
  • What new areas of research and intervention (relevant to your work) arise from the content of Talk 3?

14h00 Whole-group plenary, including consideration of progress towards delegates personal objectives for the workshop.

14h15 Break

14h30 Concluding session: Where do we go from here? 

14h30 Concluding talk 

  • Contributing to health education and prevention interventions: Who and or what is our target – a question of community/communities 
  • Contributing to policy making at local and national level – contributing to the media and public consultations. 

14h45 Breakout groups

  • What contributions can I make as a psychologist to health education and prevention programmes concerning substance use issues?
  • What contributions can I make as a psychologist to local and national policy making concerning substance use issues?
  • What further research would I like to see done in the field of substance use?
  • Have my personal objectives for this session been met? Either way, what are the implications of this?

15h30 Whole group plenary and general discussion

16h00 Workshop ends

ICP 2024 Pre-Congress Special Sessions

Special Session and a challenge to begin a new tradition

Know your host

Format: special session
Convenor: Martina Klicperova-Baker & Daniel Heller, Czech Republic
Date: Sunday July 21, 13:00 – 15:00
Price: Free (registration thrugh ICP 2024 online registration system requested)


Two Czechs, organizers of the Prague ICP, will introduce you to various aspects of national identity of the Czechs and Moravians, to significant traits of national character(s), to geopsychology, culture, language and communication (did you know that words like robot, dollar, pistol or buddy originate in Bohemia?). You will learn about historical achievements and traumas,  the Czech tendency to peaceful conflict resolution but also to opportunism and skepticism.

Attention will be also paid to the historical roots of the psychological science in Central Europe. Did you know that Prague was right in the geographical center when the psychological science was being born? Flanked by Germany, Leipzig, in the North West (Wundt, the first psychological laboratory in 1879 – psychology as an empirical science) and by Austrian Vienna in the South East (Freud, psychoanalysis – psychology as comprehension, a narrative healing art), you could not miss Prague when you travelled from one to the other.  Back then, German language was the lingua franca of the scholars in the region.

The workshop will be academic and interdisciplinary, it will familiarize you with the Czech cultural background so you may get more from your visit of Prague and the Czech Republic. The participants will have an opportunity to interact with the speakers and thus also influence the contents of the workshop. We wish to start a new tradition at the ICP where the hosting nation will introduce the congress participants to one‘s psychological peculiarities and cultural background.

Developments on the International Declaration on Core Competences in Professional Psychology

Format: Full-day
Convenor: Dragos Illiescou, Romania
Date: Sunday July 21, 9:00 – 16:00
Capacity: 50
Price: Free


The IPCP – the International Declaration on Core Competences in Professional Psychology – was adopted in 2016 by both the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), and the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS). After its official adoption, the Declaration has begun to be widely used around the world, and there is a strong feeling among regulators and educators in psychology that important work can be done following the Declaration. As part of the European Congress of Psychology that took place in Brighton in 2023 a mandate for such further work has been given to an international Work Group, to further develop the usability of the Declaration. This workshop is a working session with the members of the Work Group and any other interested members of the community, and will generate the first layers of this further work, further developing the competencies of the Declaration, and developing materials that will make them easy to apply in professional mobility, regulation, self-development, education and othrer contexts.

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