Successful Emerging Psychologists Program 2024
The Emerging Psychologists Program (EPP) 2024 concluded successfully, thanks to the robust organizational support from the ICP 2024 and the high engagement of all participants. The program consisted of four meticulously planned phases.
Phase One: Selection and Introduction
From a competitive pool of nearly 150 applicants, 39 participants were selected by a committee using a stringent set of criteria. In this initial phase, participants utilized a shared online environment to engage in continuous activities over six months. They began by introducing themselves and their dissertation research. Each participant wrote two materials – one about him/herself, second about PhD research. Based on these introductions, participants were divided into five thematic working groups, such as the clinical psychology group.
Phase Two: Collaborative Interaction
During the second phase, participants engaged in collaborative interactions within their working groups. They exchanged questions and suggestions about each other’s research. To foster a more personal connection, at the end of second phase, each participant created a 90-second video responding to key questions and sharing insights about themselves.
Phase Three: On-site Program in Prague
The third phase took place in Prague, just before ICP 2024. On July 18, 35 participants convened at Charles University, immediately forming a strong community. The four-day program featured a variety of activities:
- Workshop on Czech Psychology by Dr. Klicperova-Baker, Dr. Heller, and Dr. Polisenska
- Visit to the National Institute of Mental Health
- Workshop on Meta-Analysis by Dr. Lukavsky
- Workshop on RCTs by Dr. Lukavska
- Structured Presentations on Regional Psychologies
- Thematic Working Group Discussions on Future Collaborations
- Panel Discussion on Academic Career Challenges with Dr. Simons, Dr. Vozkova, and Dr. Jaiswal
- Evening Social Events
Phase Four: Engagement at ICP 2024
The fourth phase occurred during ICP 2024. Participants met with ICP President Prof. Stanislav Stech and award recipient Prof. John Berry, discussing success strategies in academia. Throughout the congress, EPP participants supported each other in presenting their work, shared experiences, and enjoyed social moments together.
Program Outcomes and Future Prospects
The EPP was designed to promote psychological knowledge and enhance collaboration among young psychologists. Both goals were fully achieved. The enthusiasm and dedication displayed by participants during all activities bode well for future networking and collaboration in the field.
Looking ahead, the next ICP in 2028 in Melbourne, Australia, will provide a new opportunity for the young generation to apply for the prestigious EPP, continuing its mission of fostering growth and collaboration in psychology.
Irena Smetáčková

ICP 2024 will feature an Emerging Psychologists’ Programme as an integral part of the scientific programme. The Emerging Psychologists’ Programme is intended to enhance communication between Emerging Psychologists from different countries and diverse cultural backgrounds, to promote exchange of knowledge between established and younger scientists, and to help younger scientists acquire new insights into specific fields of psychology and psychology in general.
Who is eligible to apply for EPP?
Those who are working on their PhD thesis or are on a postdoctoral fellowship and want to become leading scholars in psychology. Please follow the updated information regarding application and guidelines on the ICP 2024 website and social media.
Applications, including all documents, should be submitted by email to by October 1st, 2023. Incomplete documentation will not be processed.