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Help me get published! Writing for peer reviewed journals


  • Abigail Gewirtz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Arizona State University)
  • Liqi Zhu (Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
  • Martin Obschonka (University of Amsterdam)
  • Antonio Zuffiano (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Qiyue Cai (Managing Editor/Editorial Assistant)


This panel discussion aims to provide perspectives and tools for those at all stages of their career who would like to have their papers published in peer reviewed psychology journals. The panel includes the Editorial team (Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors & Editorial Assistant) of the International Journal of Psychology, the flagship journal of the International Union of Psychological Science, the membership organization of the world’s psychological societies. The Editors are well-published psychological scientists and each will present their perspective on the conceptualization, preparation, writing, and submission of peer-reviewed articles. In addition to general issues regarding peer-reviewed publishing, the panel will cover specific issues such as: journal metrics, developing creative and accurate article titles, how to avoid unintentional self-plagiarism, and open science/data sharing. The panelists come from and/or are faculty in institutions in Europe, China, the Middle East and the USA, and will also discuss publishing in journals with broad psychological foci vs. narrow disciplinary foci. The panel presentations will be followed by a discussion with the audience and between panelists.

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