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Prof Dr Sadhana Natu

Professor and Head, UG and PG Dept. of Psychology Modern College Ganeshkhind,
Autonomous, Savitribai Phule Pune University

Short bio:

She is working for 34 years as an Academician, Researcher, Community Psychologist, Feminist Psychotherapist and Activist. Before entering the academic field full time, she trained as a Researcher at the Foundation for Research in Community Health and in Rights Based Advocacy and Research in the National Centre for Advocacy Studies (which collaborated with Advocacy International Washington DC) Her areas of interest, research and engagement are Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology and Gender Psychology. She has long standing work on Gender and Psychology, Gender and Mental Health, Youth and Mental health where she has written extensively on these issues in National and International Peer Reviewed and High Impact factor journals, Chaired in Conferences and been a Resource Person from grassroots to global level. She has completed Seven Independent Research projects as Principal Investigator. She is an Advisor and Consultant on Research to several NGO Research Organizations and Academic Departments. She has written numerous books and book chapters in edited books. Her latest Book chapters are in Books published by Springer Elsevier and Policy Press UK. Her latest solo author Book titled ‘Psychology and Gender: An Introduction’ was published by Sage International in 2021 and ‘Psychology and Gender: An Advanced Reader was published by Routledge International in 2023. She is an Editor and has also worked on the Editorial Collective of Indian Association of Women’s Studies Journal, Aaina a National Mental Health Journal and Abhivyakti a State Mental Health Journal. She is Expert Peer Reviewer for National Journals such as ‘Psychology and Developing Societies’ (Sage), ‘Psychological Studies’ (Springer) and International Journals such as ‘Annual Review of Critical Psychology’ and ‘Qualitative Health Research’(Sage). She is an MPhil and Ph.D. Guide in Psychology and Women’s Studies with numerous students who have been awarded degrees. She is working as an External Expert on Prevention Of Sexual Harassment committees with NGOs, in Academic sector and Corporates. She Runs a Peer Support and Speak Out Group in her institution and heads the Counselling Cell. She has conducted hundreds of trainings on Gender Sensitization, Gender Spectrum and Feminist Psychotherapy, Research Methodology for students, researchers, faculty members and NGO workers. She has several Radio and Television programs and podcasts on YouTube and Spotify and courses on SWAYAM platform on Psychology to her credit. She has designed syllabi as Board of Studies Member across Universities and Autonomous Colleges in India in Psychology and Women’s Studies. She has won several awards and recognition for her work: notable amongst these are Innovative Teaching Award of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Best Teacher Award of Progressive Education Society, Teacher Fellowship Award of Women’s Studies Centre Savitribai Phule Pune University for writing a monograph and Best Book Award of Marathi Manasshastra Parishad. She has been specially felicitated for her work on Gender Issues by Savitribai Phule Pune University, NGOs, and Corporate Companies. She is an Invited Member on several international collaborative efforts such as

Psychology of Gender in India, South Asia, and the Global North: Challenges and Possibilities


My work spans Psychology of Gender in India in academics, interventions, policy, and actual grassroots level work. It speaks to similar work in South Asia and the Global North through my international collaborative work. With this background and experience this presentation aims at the following:

  1. Identifying the broad challenges in the field of Psychology of Gender in India and South Asia: in academics, practice, and research
  2. Commenting on the differences in approach in the Global North and Global South in resolving the problems in the field
  3. Spelling out the possibilities for building global solidarities, exchanges in the field of Psychology of Gender and putting forth a roadmap for achieving the common goals

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