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Michael Harris Bond

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Short bio:

Michael Harris Bond was born and raised by Anglo-Canadian parents in Toronto, Canada. He then left his birthplace for graduate school in the United States and early career in Japan, learning the basics for doing cross-cultural research. He has practiced as an academic in Hong Kong over the last 50 years and written widely on cultural differences in cognition, emotions, and behavior, integrating this research work most recently as one of the co-authors with Peter B. Smith et al. of Understanding social psychology across cultures (Sage, 2013).

From then to now and beyond in cross-cultural social psychology: This pilgrim’s progress


My pilgrim’s progress: During the last 50 years, I have participated with many colleagues in fleshing out four progressive stages of research in cross-cultural social psychology. I term these stages the Linnaean-Descriptive, the Allportian-Unpackaging, the Mercatorian-Multicultural, and the Bronfennbrenerian- Integrative stages. I will describe and give examples from these overlapping developmental stages, pointing out their yields and problematics. I will highlight recent research from the Integrative-Bronfennbrenerian stage, using the Berry Eco-Cultural model to help structure our thinking about how our thrownness into culture shapes our social behavior. The future beckons!

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