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María Cristina Richaud

National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET),  Institute of Family Sciences of the Austral University (UA), and not the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Short bio:

  • PHD, Psychology, University of Buenos Aires (UBA);
  • Senior Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET);
  • Researcher at the Institute of Family Sciences of the Austral University (UA);
  • Emeritus Researcher at the Universidad Adventista del Plata (UAP);
  • Professor of Methodology, Faculty of Humanities, UAP;
  • Scientific advisor of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research in Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences, UAP;
  • Director of the Master’s Degree in Intervention in Vulnerable Groups, UA;
  • Consulting advisor for the Master’s Degree in Psycho-diagnosis and Psychological Evaluation, of the Postgraduate Secretariat of the Faculty of Psychology, UBA;
  • Honorary Professor of the University of Salvador, Argentina;
  • Editor of Interdisciplinary: Journal of Psychology and Related Sciences;
  • former Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research in Mathematical and Experimental Psychology (CIIPME-CONICET) (2001-2016),
  • Former Director of the Doctorate in Psychology at the Argentine Catholic University (2007-2019),
  • Founding Partner and former President of the Argentine Association of Behavioral Sciences (AACC);
  • 165 publications in specialty journals, 30 book chapters, 9 books; 50 national and 54 international Congresses;
  • Bernardo Houssay Award for scientific and technological research 2005 to the Consolidated Researcher in the Large Area of Human and Social Sciences;
  • Rubén Ardila Award for Scientific Research in Psychology 2009, for career in research in psychology;
  • Recipient of 2013 APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology;
  • Award from the Association for the Advancement of Psychological Science Carlo Molinari Marotto, for the outstanding contribution to the scientific advancement of psychology in Argentina, November 2014;
  • Award granted by Argentine Committee for Health Education. International Union of Health Education- UIPES/ORLA, year 2017;
  • Honorable Mention of the Isabel Reyes Lagunes Award from the IAPA, for the work “Evaluation and monitoring of the mental health of health personnel affected by the care of patients with COVID-19 in Argentina;
  • Designated Outstanding Personality in recognition of her career, in the Bicentennial of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). August 2021.
  • Representative for Argentina in IUPsyS.

Significant Others’ Relationships and Adolescents’ behavior in different cultural-income backgrounds


To be added.

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