Short bio:
Prof Jace Pillay is a registered educational and counselling psychologist and the South African Research Chair in Education and Care in Childhood in the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg. Currently, he heads a research team focusing on the mental health of children and youth through a web-based 4 IR profiling system as well as psychosocial support in schools. As an academic he has published more than 100 journal articles, 13 book chapters and an edited book. 72 students graduated under his supervision (21 doctorate, 51 masters). He has presented more than 110 papers mostly at international conferences as keynote/invited speaker and many strong local and international collaborations. In addition to the above, Prof Pillay spent more than 30 years in inclusive education as a teacher, school psychologist, policy maker, head of school psychological services, curriculum designer, intervention strategist, head of the department of educational psychology at UJ, and Vice Dean (UJ). Currently, he chairs the Education, Training, and Registration Committee of the Professional Board for Psychology in South Africa. In January 2024 Prof Pillay was awarded an UNESCO Chair in Mental Health and Psychological Support for Learners and Teachers in South Africa. This chair is in partnership with the national Department of Education.