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Ada L. Sinacore

Faculty of Education at McGill University, Canada

Short bio:

Ada L. Sinacore, Ph.D. is a professor in the Counselling Psychology Program in the Faculty of Education at McGill University and an associate member of the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, and the Director of the Social Justice and Diversity Research Lab. Additionally, Professor Sinacore is a past-president of the Canadian Psychological Association, and the president-elect of the International Council of Psychologist. Professor Sinacore is a member of the advisory council of the Global Network of Psychologists for Human co-chaired Psychology Day at the United Nations in 2023. Professor Sinacore has over 25 years of experience working in the U.S., Canada, and abroad, and is internationally recognized for their expertise and extensive presentations, publications and activism addressing social justice and human rights concerns at the individual, institutional, societal, governmental, and policy levels. They are actively involved in research that addresses topics related to societal inequities and disparities in education and mental health. Professor Sinacore has received numerous honors and awards including, but not exhaustively; the Oliva Espin Award for Social Justice Concerns in Feminist Psychology, from the Association for Women in Psychology. They are a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and received the Distinguished Member Award from the Section on Counselling Psychology (CPA). At McGill University, Dr. Sinacore received the Faculty of Education Award for Distinguished Teaching and is recognized as a Distinguished Supervisor. As well, Dr. Sinacore received the McGill University, Award for Equity and Community Building. Internationally, Dr. Sinacore was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar with the Department of International Cooperation and Science Education, in Taiwan and has been a visiting scholar in a number of universities around the world. They have collaborated with the Canadian Embassy in Chile to work with university students, women leaders and NGOs to discuss ways to address sexual violence in their respective institutions. Professor Sinacore has been a key speaker at the XV and X VII International Weeks at the University of Chile.


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