Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Trusted advisor to the Rector of the Federico II University
Short bio:
- Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Trusted advisor to the Rector of the Federico II University
- Pursuant to the resolution of the European parliament A3-0043 / 94.
- Director, board of Directors EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Associations)
- Former Full Professor of Community Psychology, Dept. of Humanities. Federico II University of Naples (I).
- She is founder of ENCP (European Network of Community Psychologists) and ECPA (European Community Psychology Association); ECPA (European Community Psychology Association) PRESIDENT 2011-2013;
- Member of the Campania Region core committee of Italian Association of Psychology (2010-2020)
- Editor in Chief of the International online Journal on Gender Studies: La Camera Blu
- Co-Director of the online international journal: Community Psychology in Global Perspective (CPGP)
- Editorial board: Psicologia della salute/Health psychology, and Rivista di psicologia di comunità/Journal of Community Psychology
- Publications: orcid.org/0000-0003-3699-698
Community trust tackling hope and social changes
Social trust is the core issue of every experience of social change. Community trust can be considered as the positive expectations of community members toward the current and future opportunities they perceive in their local community, with local community being defined as the place where people live and interact physically and virtual. The lack of social trust is strictly related to the absence of social bond and to the crisis in participation. Viceversa, community trust is the basic resource for community development and social empowerment of a specific place or context; it contrasts the crisis in participation and social togetherness. Moreover, the strengthening of social ties is possible when trust is at stake among people. The building of community trust through multifaceted interaction among people, their place of belonging and their social attitudes should be a goal for psychologists in the social arena, especially in deserved area and in time of loneliness, despair and desolation. Therefore, this keynote will analyse community trust in theoretical perspective drawing attention to its role in community building and its implicit ties with individual and social hope. Trust and hope are two constructs better to define in their connection and theoretical frames that shape the potential social action of psychology in all social domain in the present and in the future.